I speak for the Scribe:
Technology has become the unwitting patron of creative expressionism in the world.
On pages all across cyberspace, generations of the past have been given a voice to be heard in all corners of the globe.
Meanwhile, the generation of now has never known otherwise.
Welcome to the new world where the audience has the power to choose.
And writers everywhere are only constrained by their own imaginations....
then, there are other worlds than these.”
― Stephen King, The Gunslinger
(Updated 29/3/2015)
These are stories
based on various fandoms such as Aliens, Star Trek and the DC Universe
including some of my original works.
These are stories
based on Role Playing Games that I am involved in.
The work belongs to myself and the authors of these games.
are stories based on Star Trek Enterprise Role Playing Game 'Tales of Gaia'.
These are stories based on
numerous Role Playing Games
written by myself and other authors.
For those looking for
non-slash fan fiction, do
have a a look at the archive below. Open Scrolls Archive is one of the few sites
out there hosting
Het Only fan fiction. Primarily focusing on Lord of the Rings, the sites also
hosts several other fandoms and has a NO MARY SUE policy.
To contact the Scribe, please click the icon above.