

Do apples fall far from the tree? Only time can tell and in these series of stories, we'll find out if the same can be said of the children spawned from the Magnificent Seven. Most of you are already familiar with the faces here, having first been introduced to them in the Old West section of my Seven Scrolls Page, for those of you who aren't, you can revisit these tales here or be treated to some of the new for your enjoyment.


When Billy Travis returns home to Four Corners from West Point, he discovers that his younger siblings and friends are just as capable of getting into trouble as their fathers who once the known as the Magnificent Seven.......

A glimpse into a possible future.

Rated PG


This is a series of stories featuring the seven and their children as introduced in Someday. Chris Larabee learns its hard to the bad element when he has to babysit his three year old daughter Sarah while Vin Tanner thinks back to the day when he believed he would have nothing to teach a little girl only to learn she has other ideas. And how much do his twins take after him? Thanks to Maude, Ezra's going to find out and Buck Wilmington realises the only thing worse than losing his daughter is marrying her off......

 Rated PG


These are some short stories written by  Lady Angel.


Sam has a crush and Vin Tanner is going to make someone pay.

Rated PG

Run, Chris! Run! (Or "What Vin did after Sam dropped her little bomb")

A sequel to the previous story.

Rated PG

A Sad Day in Hell

Mike Larabee laments his popular father.

Rated PG

Meeting the Parents

Sarah Larabee wants to get married, that is if her fiancée gets past her father....

Rated PG


 Here Fishy, Fishy

Fun and games in the Larabee household...


Life in FCHS

(Four Corners High School)

Some kids don’t have to be cool they just have to have parents who are....

The Car

Mike gets into trouble at school...

 College Majors

Sarah and Kyle discuss college

How to give your son a complex

Mike tries to keep a secret


Penny learns her mom’s alias

 I only blackmailed you because I loved you

Mike and Sam get caught out…